Mrs. Villoo Parikh
Educational Qualification:
E-mail: vparikh@zebarschool.com
Educational Qualification: BSc., Montessori course in Preprimary education
Working Experience: Working in Udgam School for Children since 1974. Was Principal Advisor for Preschool before being appointed as Director
Additional Information:
- Making worksheets for the pre-primary section. Planning all activities for the pre-primary section.
- Looking after the canteen as well as the snacks for the pre-primary section.
- Supporting a school for tribal children in Umersadi started by her family.
- Diploma in Puppetry – under the world famous puppeteer late Smt. Meher Contractor.?

Ms. Radhika Iyer
Educational Qualification:
E-mail: riyer@zebarschool.com
Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Arts (English), Master of Arts (English), Bachelor of Education (English and History), Master of Education (English), Dissertation Concord- Agreement of Subject and Verb in Sentences
Working Experience: Working at Udgam School for Children since 1978 as a Teacher and from 1991 as Principal and Teacher of English in Secondary and Higher Secondary Sections and as Director from 2016.
Additional Information:
- Have been a reviewer for English textbooks of Gujarat Board, for English Higher-Level question papers of S.S.C for three years.
- Done the evaluation of H.S.C. Papers of English of the Board Examination.
- Attended the Principal’s Training conducted by the Education Department of Gujarat Government in Nov. 2002 and Jan 2003.
- As a teacher, and also as Principal, carried out several co-curricular activities including quiz, debate, elocution, drama, dumb charade.
- Organised cultural fair every year single-handedly for several years.
- Trained teachers to carry out such activities.
- Presently, looking after the project of improving the quality of written and spoken English among teachers and students, conducting teacher trainings in English especially Grammar.
- Started special education and remedial teaching with well-qualified teachers, even before it was made mandatory.
- Started several social service activities, taken visits to the school for the blind, old age homes, orphanage and home for the destitute; started charity fair in school.
- Has been awarded as ‘ Best Teacher ‘ in Gujarat State Category for the 2nd International English Olympiad.
- Have written articles for NIE, Udgam Matters and Zebar Matters.