An assembly was held on the topic ‘National Doctor’s Day’ by students of class 7B. It showcased the relentless service of doctors in society. The assembly began with the Morning Prayer, which was followed by the thought of the day.
Students imparted their peers’ information about the different types of doctors like Cardiologist and Neurophysiologist and what they do. They briefed the assembly that these expect doctors put in a lot of time and effort into getting degrees in specialized areas.
Dr Pooja Shah, our on-campus doctor, was invited for a talk. She discussed tips to remain healthy during the monsoon season with our students. She has been gifted a hand made care by Vriti Maniar. In the end, Vice Principal Ms Mili Bhatacharyya shared a beautiful story of a poor boy who became a doctor after years of hard work and dedication yet he remembered a small gesture of a lady and repaid her kindness by treating her. The assembly concluded with the National Anthem.
Doctor’s Day Assembly