Why Homeopathy?
Homeopathy was discovered by a German scientist named Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. Homeopathic medicines come from a range of natural substances, which can either be a plant, or mineral based. They are extracted or processed to create tablets, skin ointments, gels, drops or creams. As a result, homeopathic medicines rarely cause harmful side effects or addiction, especially in comparison to prescription drugs.
Benefits of Homeopathy for children.
1. Safe, gentle and free from side effects
Homeopathy is the most reliable mode of treatment and children deserve safe medicines. Nowadays a growing number of parents are concerned about the side effects of conventional drugs. In this scenario, homoeopathy is a wonderful treatment option.
2. Helps in permanent cure
When we choose the conventional mode of treatment, these medicines kill causative organisms of diseases (bacteria, fungus etc.). For example, antibiotics are used for bacterial infections, and antifungals are useful for fungal infections. And by this method, they try to make our body disease free. In other words, there is suppression of symptoms, but according to homeopathic principle, the individual remedy is selected according to individual symptoms of a sick person.
3. Children love it
Children often resist taking conventional drugs. They throw tantrums and get irritated by conventional medicines, but homeopathic medicines are administered in the form of the tiny sweet globule. Kids accept it very well, and sometimes love it too!
4. Increases immunity and resistance power of body naturally
According to homeopathic principle, when a person suffers from any disease his vital force (resistance power) get deranged. When an indicated homoeopathic medicine is administered it acts on vital force of the body. And makes it stronger. Then this stronger vital force eliminates the disease force. Thus, our inner resistance power is increased. Children have a delicate immune system so for them, it is an excellent method of curing a disease.
5. Complement with other therapies very well
Homoeopathic medicines are believed to be safe when used with other medications. Although homoeopathic remedies should not replace conventional treatment for serious health concerns, they can be used as an alternative option.
6. It can be used for acute and chronic conditions
Childhood is the most sensitive and fundamental phase of life. In this case, homoeopathy works like a miracle in both acute and chronic diseases. In acute disorders (like common cough-cold and fever) acute remedies work rapidly with success, and in case of chronic diseases (where symptoms are less severe than acute diseases, but they can seriously affect the quality of life and may worsen over the time), well selected constitutional remedies may provide significant relief. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), learning and behavioural problems and other psychological issues can be successfully treated with homoeopathy.
Last but not the least homoeopathic remedies are typically inexpensive and readily available. Therefore they provide an affordable approach to healing.
Zebar School has Homeopathy clinic within its campus. The KJCT Trust runs Anubhuti Homeopathy Clinic, and expert doctors diagnose the children and administer medicines. Even parents and family members can avail of this facility in school at low costs.
Benefits of Homeopathy Clinic in School
The following are the benefits of Homeopathy clinic in the school.
1: Instant Medical Care
2: Easy Access
3: Frequent Health Care
4: First Aid
5: Higher Academic Success
6: Reduced Student Hospitalization
7: Decrease in the number of students sent home due to minor health issues.
8. Decrease in Absenteeism