Latest News

Interact Club Installation

A Rotary club is a global network of neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who strive to make...

Coin & Currency Exhibition

A coin and currency note exhibition was held at Zebar School recently. Ms Manju Malaviya, the Grievance...

Grand Farewell to Senior Students

On 30th March 2022,   Zebar school campus was filled with nostalgia as the teachers, staff members and heads of...

A talk on Healthy and Happy Periods

Zebar school organized a session  on Menstrual Hygiene and Awareness in order to help the female students of...

The purpose of circle time should not be just to share ideas

The purpose of circle time should not be just to share ideas, but also to develop new...

With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance all things are attainable

'With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance all things are attainable' Zebar School for Children always strives to nurture...

Bullying means where a person is verbally or physically threatened or assaulted

Bullying means where a person is verbally or physically threatened or assaulted. It also means making a...

Ms Jaskiran Sidhu has been selected as one of the Top 30 Teachers

It is our pleasure to inform you that Ms Jaskiran Sidhu has been selected as one of...

100% pass result in CBSE Grade X 2020-21.

We announce that our school has got a 100% pass result in CBSE Grade X this year.The...

We Are A Microsoft Showcase Incubator School 2020-21

Zebar School is pleased to announce that @microsoftedu has accepted Zebar School on the incubator path of...

Online Classes for Pre-primary Section.

Online classes for Pre-primary Section have begun in Zebar. The young children were elated to see their...

Virtual classes for classes 9 and 10

Zebar School makes a transition to virtual classes for classes 9 and 10. The decision was made...

Pariksha Par Charcha 2020


Circular From CBSE

Dear Parents, Please find the circular with the link sent by CBSE for Student and parents appearing...

Sports Day – Std 7th, 9th and 10th

The much-awaited Annual Sports Day for classes 7, 9 and 10 was held yesterday. Mr Ajit Dave...

Sports Day of Primary Section

On a crisp Friday morning parents of class 1, 3 and 5 came to witness the Annual...

Diya Decorating Activity

As the entire nation gears up for the festivities, toddlers of Zebar School too celebrated the festival...

Visitor From Brazil

Recently Clap Talk was organised in the school for students of grade 9 A and 9 B....

General Assembly of Entire School

A general school assembly was held recently by the students of the Middle and Secondary section to...

Special Assembly of Janmashtami by Std II E

The colourful festival of Janmashtami was celebrated by students of class 2E in a special assembly. The...

Preschool Janmashtami Celebrations

Preschoolers of Zebar Preprimary celebrated Janmashtami at the campus yesterday. Girls came dressed in colourful chaniya cholis...