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Excursions of Standard 8

We believe in Learning beyond the classroom walls.Students of standard 8 went to Dandi Kutir and Punit...

Zebarites join hands with RJ Dhvanit for Green Amdavad

Students of class X D participated in the 4th edition of Mirch Tree Idiots. The tree plantation...

Helping Others- Assembly class 3 B

No society can progress if its citizens are not sensitive towards each other. To teach and make...

Doctor’s Day Assembly

An assembly was held on the topic ‘National Doctor’s Day’ by students of class 7B. It showcased...

Global Warming Assembly of 2 B

Global Warming has led to changes all around us. The temperatures are rising every year, and it...

Zebar Gets Principal Award

Ms. Sharmistha Sinha, Principal of Zebar School for Children, was awarded the ‘Best District Principal’ by the...

Anti Child Labour Day- Assembly of 9 A

Child Labour is a Menace and needs to be stopped.Children are the greatest gift to humanity and...

International Dance Day in Pre-Primary

Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body-Martha Graham Zebar school has always emphasised...

Interactive Career Counselling Session
Interactive Career Counselling Session

An Interactive Career Counselling Session was held at the school auditorium for the parents and students of...

Students shine in Board exams

Zebar School proudly announces its 100% result of the first batch of std X. This result is...

Safer Internet Day

To raise awareness amongst the students about cybersecurity and emerging online issues, Zebar School celebrated the Safer...

Identifying Parts of Plants

Junior KG students were shown a variety of plants on the campus. The teachers had recreated a...

International Mother Language Day

Students of all the three sections celebrated International Mother Language Day at the campus. On one hand,...

World Radio Day

World Radio Day is an observance day held annually on 13th February. It is about celebrating radio,...

Patriotism unfurls in Zebar

Our country’s 70th Republic Day was celebrated in all its solemnity and grandeur at Zebar today. The...

Middle and Secondary Section Sports Day

The much awaited Annual Sports Day for Middle and Secondary Section was held on 21st December, 2018....

Pre-Primary Annual Day

A colourful pageant conceived by Ms Amoli Patell, the Vice-Principal of Pre-primary Section, showcased the rich and...

Primary Section Annual Day

A musical extravaganza of classes 2 and 4 ideated by the Vice-Principal Ms.Jayasree Menon of Primary Section...

Middle and Secondary Section Annual Day

Students of classes 6 and 8 embarked on a journey of ' Discovery of India' today evening...

Primary Sports Day

Zebar School celebrated its Annual Sports Meet for Primary Section- on the bright and sunny morning of...

Pre-Primary Sports Day

Tiny Tots of Zebar Pre-Primary celebrate Sports Day In recognition of the importance of sports in a...