Students of class X D participated in the 4th edition of Mirch Tree Idiots. The tree plantation drive was held in association with AMC and RJ Dhvanit of Radio Mirchi. Our students interacted with Dhvanit and took part in the plantation drive enthusiastically. They also promised that they would monitor the plants regularly. Zebarites planted more than 100 trees under this campaign, thus ensuring that our lush green campus remains green throughout the year. This activity sensitised our students towards the need to be environmentally conscious and take the matter in our hands instead of blaming others. RJ Dhvanit shared a link with our students through which any Amdavadi can be a part of this ‘Tree idiot campaign.’ We encourage our students and parent community to take part in this activity. If you want to be a part of RJ Dhvanit’s Tree Idiot campaign, fill in the form
Zebarites join hands with RJ Dhvanit for Green Amdavad