Felicitation ceremony of Ms Bhoomi Khandelwal

Zebar School honoured Ms Bhoomi Khandelwal, a former student (23-24 batch) of our esteemed institution, for her outstanding academic achievements. Ms. Khandelwal secured the top position in the IPMAT this year, ranking 1st in the All India category. The event kicked off with the Executive Director, Mr. Manan Choksi, presenting Ms. Bhoomi with a book and conveying his heartfelt congratulations for her remarkable accomplishments. Her remarkable journey from being a dedicated student to achieving the 1st rank in the prestigious IPMAT is a testament to her unwavering commitment and pursuit of excellence.

Following the felicitation, a question-and-answer session provided an opportunity for the Zebarites to interact with Ms. Bhoomi. During this session, she shared valuable insights with the students, emphasizing the importance of individuality and self-worth. Her efficient time management skills and practical approach left a lasting impression, empowering everyone with the belief that they too can achieve a similar balance.

As the program concluded, Mr. Manan Choksi imparted profound wisdom to the audience. His words encouraging students to tackle even the most routine tasks with creativity and dedication, turning the ordinary into something extraordinary, truly resonated with the students. His motivation to strive for excellence in all their endeavours, no matter how ordinary they may seem, left the students feeling inspired and resolute.

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