A special morning assembly was held on 18th June 2018 to explain the Summer Solstice or June Solstice, the longest day of the year. Students of III-A conducted the assembly, which was attended by students of grade III,IV and V.Sachi Malvia and Akanksha Thakkar explained the mechanism of its occurrence, how the Sun appears to stop moving in the sky as it reaches its northern- or southernmost point and after the solstice, the Sun seems to reverse course and head back in the opposite direction.They also explained their peers about North Pole, South Pole, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Equator, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. A Globe was displayed, and the scientific phenomenon was explained with the help of charts in a simple yet effective way.Mahek Vassanji was the compere of the assembly. Savitri Shukla presented thought for the day. Kahan Antani conducted a short quiz in which all the students enthusiastically participated.In the end, Aryan Arora updated the students on the latest happenings around the world.Certificates of Regularity and SOF certificates were distributed in the assembly.The assembly ended with the national anthem.